Tuesday, September 29, 2009

My Princess....

I just took a quiz on Facebook. "Which Disney Prince are you?" it read. So of course, being the eternal romantic that I am jumped on it. My result? Prince Phillip. The dashing tall dark and handsome knight from Sleeping Beauty. Amused by this (and by the surprisingly erotic Prince Phillip photo that accompanied it), I started looking around at profiles. I have a lot of friends who are happily married and sometimes I feel like I am getting left behind. I yearn, no ACHE, for my very own princess to have and to hold and to be by my side as an eternal companion. Yet as much as I want that, I don't want to be married JUST for the sake of BEING married either. I want to be completely, absolutely, head over heels in love with my wife. So much that I would throw myself in front of a train rather than hurt her, betray her, or lie to her. As painful as it is to admit it, I'm pretty sure that in order to have that kind of a relationship, it's going to take a LOT of work in order to prepare myself for the requirements of such a marriage. It is amazing to me how many people don't realize that a marriage works both ways. Just as much as I long for a beautiful princess for myself, somewhere out there my future companion is equally longing for a handsome prince that will be there for her, support her, love her, confide in her, and share every single aspect of his life with her. TOTAL EQUALITY. The one thing that keeps me going is the future I can see for myself in such a marriage. This is my quest. Someday, somewhere I'm going to be the husband that my wife only thought she could dream about. *sigh* Someday....

1 comment:

JaNean said...

You are going to find her Max :) Have no fear, you are a great catch, and you are going to make someone supremely happy some day.

Best Wishes,
