Wednesday, October 7, 2009

Reflections of Florida....

So the other night, one of mine and Wyn's friends, Justin, came over to our apartment to hang out and shoot the breeze a little bit. Somehow, we got to the topic of missions. Justin hasn't served a mission yet and wanted to pick the brains of two RM's. He asked a lot of questions that most premies ask "What was your craziest experience, what's the grossest thing you ever ate" and so on and so forth. But then he asked one that was a real tuffy: "What was the best part of being out on a mission that you don't get to enjoy at any other point in your life?" Wow. I literally took about 2 minutes to think of a good response. He being the awesome guy that he is, waited for my good response. Finally it came to me. "The best part about serving a mission," I said, "is the fact that you get to completely turn your life over to the Lord and allow him to literally speak and act through you in every single thing you do." After he left, I thought about it some more with each day that passed by. I have finally come to the conclusion that there is no reason why I shouldn't enjoy that type of relationship with Heavenly Father in my everyday life. I think that one common mistake that a lot of returned missionaries make (including myself) is that we automatically assume that post-mission life is never going to be as spiritual as mission life. Why shouldn't we enjoy that same companionship with the Savior? Why shouldn't we allow Him to act through us? Food for thought for sure...

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