Sunday, January 5, 2020

Holding Up the Mirror

Hello readers (I used to call you constant 7 years ago when I last wrote in this blog, but obviously you are no longer that since you have had no opportunity to read).

Here we are, 7 years since my last entry on this blog.  LOTS has changed.  For those that are curious, here are some of the highlights about me (sort of a reintroduction to Max, if you will):

1.  I hold three degrees now, a Bachelor's and Master's degree in Vocal Performance and a Doctorate of Musical Arts in Vocal Pedagogy and Performance.

2.  I am now 36 years old, which still doesn't seem to match how young and inexperienced I usually feel.

3.  I am still single and still looking for my someone, but I have learned how to find joy in my many friendships and in my family relationships.

4.  Speaking of which, I now am uncle to two beautiful little nieces and they are the greatest joys in my life thus far.

5.  I am now a member of the Tabernacle Choir at Temple Square, which is another of my great joys.

6.  I have a good job teaching at DaVinci Academy in Ogden, Utah, which is nice because I am actually getting the opportunity to build my own program and use the skills I paid so much money to acquire.

7.  I am now able to utter the phrase "I don't know" with much more confidence, which is a gift I didn't truly understand before.

8.  I am starting to learn how to take things a little bit at a time.  Starting with this, writing in my blog again on a regular basis.

So there you are.  I am also starting to chronicle my journey on the road to feeling better in my own body.  This blog is a way to also do that.  To kick that off, I went to the gym and worked on using body weight exercises to work on my form for weight lifting.  I enjoyed it very much and I am using the mentality of making my fitness into a quest/game/challenge for myself and not limiting myself to one type of activity.  I enjoy a variety of activities, and I am just trying to do at least something each day.  Consistency is always a challenge for me, and something I intend to work on this year.

Anyway, here's to new beginnings!  I'm coming for you, 2020!!!