Sunday, May 22, 2011

Reflections on Graduation!

I have three very important words to say: I DID IT! The light at the end of the tunnel has finally been reached and I have completed everything I needed to to receive my Bachelor's Degree in Vocal Performance. What makes it feel even better is that I literally had the week from hell during finals and accomplished a great many things including singing a fantastically successful senior recital, which I am actually planning on posting up on YouTube soon. Now all I have to look forward to is a great season with Utah Festival Opera and Musical Theater with some of my best friends and saving up for the big move to Portland in September to start my Master's Degree. It is a very exciting time in my life. I'm so grateful for the wonderful experience that Utah State has been for me and look forward to doing great things in my career as a musician. This is the first step on a long journey, but I am finally learning to enjoy where I am at instead of always dreaming of things to come. More updates coming soon...