I am the very first to admit that I am terrible about keeping my blog up to date. Since I haven't written anything since October, I felt it prudent to continue with my entries as much as possible.
Today in church my brother and I attended a wonderful Sunday School lesson. The kind that you always wish you could have every week instead of having a lesson read out of the manual with no spiritual connotations whatsoever. This guy knew his stuff, but not in an overly prideful way at all. He has the rare gift of being able to allow the discussion in the class go where it will be the most relevant to each class member without letting it get completely out of control.
Anyway, he brought up a point that really made me think: all the decisions, and consequently, actions that we make in our lives are a direct result of either faith or fear. There is no middle ground. (Though many times we'd like to think there is.) As I pondered about that, I wondered how many times in my life I had chosen a certain path out of fear instead of faith. I know I'm mostly talking to myself out loud but I thought that it was something worth recording here. I'm not sure why. I hope that in the past year I've been able to make more of a conscious effort to let faith dictate my life. The future is bright if we're looking for the light, but if we look for the darkness we'll find that we're already surrounded in it. More to come...